Sunday, March 12, 2006

Ew.. the Flu

Last night at about 11:00 Mackenzie came stumbling out of her room with dark brown colored throw-up in her hair and all over the left shoulder of her fuzzy pink feet-ins. It really was a freaky sight. Oh, and it smelled of chocolate.

Lee changed her bedding while I cleaned her up. Lee said they'd had oreos together earlier and that she'd eaten about six, so we really thought she'd found some stash of chocolate and gone to town and gotten sick on them. I was sure we'd find a pile of wrappers somewhere.

Unfortunately, as the episodes didn't end there and she developed a fever it became apparent she has the flu. She threw up about every half an hour until around 7am.

I stayed up with her, dozing in the rocking chair next to her bed. Lee came to get me at 8:00 and took the morning shift so I could sleep. What a sweetie!

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