Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Liquid Amber "Bombs"


Oh it was a beautiful day. Cool and windy.. a shame to stay inside! Mackenzie and I headed out to the grassy area in the middle of the townhouses. We were walking around and playing with the Aerobie and then Mackenzie spotted something. "Mommy, what is *THAT*?!?"

I explained to her that they were the seed pods from the liquid ambers and how we had three of those trees in the front yard when I was growing up and always called the green seed pod "bombs." I left out the part about how we used to throw them at each other.. hard.

Anyway, since the wind had been really strong the night before (and it was still pretty gusty) there were LOTS of the green kind on the ground and for some reason we decided to gather as many as we could (or wanted to) and make a big pile.

We spent hours outside wandering around picking things up and playing outside. Mackenzie rode her scooter and we looked for liquid amber trees all over the grassy area and down paths, filling our basket and Mackenzie's scooter pack over and over. It was a great day!

Along the way, Mackenzie grabbed some other interesting things, which were used to decorate the pile of bombs. Hooray for nature!!

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