Sunday, July 03, 2011

Muir Beach, 2 July 2011

The kids and I had fun at Muir Beach on Saturday. It was a crazy crowded parking lot and pretty busy at the beach, but we really liked it there!

The day would've been practically perfect if we hadn't gotten lost on the way home. Got home at least an hour after we should've. Once I remembered Mr. Man has a TomTom in his car (thanks, Colleen!!) we made it home almost u-turn free!

Anyway, here are some pictures of the kids having fun at the beach.

She really wanted to take this home and was bummed when I wouldn't let her. I told her that sea things belonged with the sea. Mean old Mama. She got to play with it for about an hour before we left, though.

Mack and I dug a hole for the boy (would've been deeper, but we encountered some big rocks at the bottom) and built up the sides so he could have a monster truck track. It didn't interest him as long as we'd hoped, but it was fun to make.

Mack and Ben making the previously mentioned monster truck track.

This was just before Ben decided Mack made a perfect "driving hill." After that, I buried him too, but wasn't able to get a good picture of the two of them together because right after I finished, Mack got sand in her eyes.

Yay for beach fun!