Thursday, November 15, 2007

All she wants for Christmas is a new front tooth?

Yep.. goodbye, baby tooth #4! She's growing up WAY too fast. Jane, get me off this crazy thing!

She has been playing with the new gap.. breathing through it, whistling, etc. I showed her how she could close her teeth with a straw going through the hole.. she thought that was pretty cool.

She has another loose one, too. She decided to save her Tooth Fairy dollar until she gets her next one and then she plans to buy the Barbie dress in the "store" (the 'Mommy subsidized' box of goodies).

I can't believe she's almost six!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Finally, the long anticipated Halloween Picture!

Mackenzie was Cinderella again for Halloween this year. She even wore the same costume! That's three years in a row (not counting modifications to make it fit).. how economical!! I don't know if it'll work next year. Maybe she'll get a new Cinderella costume or maybe she'll actually decide on something completely different!

Either way, she'll be adorable as always.